sewer|sewers in English


[sew·er || 'sʊəə(r)]

drainage pipe, pipe that carries away waste water; tailor, one who sews

Use "sewer|sewers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sewer|sewers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sewer|sewers", or refer to the context using the word "sewer|sewers" in the English Dictionary.

1. Blueprint Columbus uses today’s technology to address the problem of rain water in sanitary sewers by directing it to the storm sewer, where it belongs

2. Sewers.

3. Clear sewers ...

4. Our sewers are crumbling.

5. SEWER-Cide Thermo-Alkaline Sewer Line Opener

6. Combined sewers require much larger and more expensive treatment facilities than sanitary sewers.

7. Sewer rats.

8. Cross section of the Paris sewers

9. Sanitary sewers are typically much smaller than combined sewers, and they are not designed to transport stormwater.

10. The sewers discharge into the sea.

11. It also replaced and extended: i) 51km of combined primary and secondary sewers; and ii) 375km of tertiary sewers.

12. Malacostracan bothered Justin Cudgellings deplorations reanimates sewers punitively!

13. Drainage was poor with open sewers and gutters.

14. We now have seven of Samaritan's sewers.

15. 18 A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.

16. The sewer has stopped completely.

17. Maybe an old sewer system.

18. 19 Sewers are clogged and streets a mess.

19. They are laying new sewers along the road.

20. Sewer Cleanouts are the pipes that give you access to the rest of your home’s sewer system

21. Dust,[ ] sand and grit get into the sewers.

22. The sewer was gorged with rubbish.

23. 158.04 Bituminized fiber sewer pipe

24. waste water sewer system, aerated pond.

25. Right around and run into the sewers and the gutters, anywhere